Hey there, fellow homesteaders and parents!
Today, I want to dive into a topic that’s close to my heart: homesteading as a mom. As someone who’s walked this path myself, I know firsthand the unique blend of joys and challenges that come with raising children while pursuing our homesteading dreams. So, grab a cup of tea and settle in as we explore Episode 97 of the Homesteading for Beginners podcast, where we delve into this enriching journey.
In this episode, titled “Homesteading as a Mom: Navigating the Journey,” I share insights and wisdom gleaned from my own experiences. From finding the delicate balance between nurturing our families and tending to our homesteads to embracing sustainable practices that enrich our lives, there’s so much to unpack.
One of the key themes we explore is the importance of seeking support and building a community of like-minded homesteaders. Whether it’s swapping tips, lending a helping hand, or simply sharing stories, having a supportive network can make all the difference in our homesteading journey.
We also delve into the vital practice of self-compassion. As moms, we often wear many hats and juggle countless responsibilities. It’s essential to give ourselves grace, forgive ourselves for mistakes, and prioritize our well-being amidst the hustle and bustle of homesteading life.
But perhaps the most significant takeaway from this episode is the reminder to create a homesteading lifestyle that aligns with our values and family needs. By setting realistic goals, embracing sustainability, and finding joy in the journey, we can build a homestead that enriches both our lives and those of our children.
So, whether you’re a seasoned homesteading mom or just starting out on this adventure, I invite you to tune in to Episode 97 of the Homesteading for Beginners podcast. Together, let’s explore the beautiful and rewarding world of homesteading as moms.

Until next time, happy homesteading!
Mona Weathers – Homesteading Mentor & Coach